How can I reduce pigmentation spots on my face?

Pigmentation spots (also called brown spots) are often annoying impurities and are mostly located on the face, the décolleté, but also on the hands. They are often a sign of aging skin due to bad weather, sun rays or other factors. However, it is possible to remove or reduce pigmentation spots using creams or natural products.

How do brown spots form on the face?

Pigmentation spots due to sunburn generally appear at the age of forty (but some people can also have them as early as thirty). Overexposure to the sun's rays (mainly ultra-violet rays) leads to the formation of these unsightly impurities. These are due to the disruption of cells called melanocytes, which produce a high dose of melanin. The appearance of impurities is more frequent on places exposed to the sun (face, hand, back, etc.). These areas are also visible to other people, hence the need for treatment to reduce pigmentation spots.

Creams to reduce pigmentation spots

There are currently many creams available that can reduce pigmentation spots. This can be a cosmetic product that you can find in a beauty shop. The ingredients are mainly rich in vitamin C, resorcinol, kojic acid, etc. There are also creams based on dermocorticoid or mercury salts that can be effective for treatment (note that some components may be prohibited in France, except by prescription). For the use of these different anti-stain creams, it is advisable to seek advice from a pharmacist or dermatologist before use. It has been shown that they can cause skin irritation and itching on sensitive skin. This treatment also requires the use of a sunscreen every time the user goes out in the sun.

Natural products to remove or reduce impurities

For those who are hesitant about using anti-pigmentation creams, there are also natural homemade products to reduce pigmentation spots. Lemon, for example, can disinfect your skin while purifying it. It is important to know that lemon juice has lightening effects on the skin. To use it, mix it with a little water (in an equal amount with the juice). Then dab the brown spots with this mixture using a wipe. Leave for 10 minutes (no more) and then rinse off with warm water. Do this every day if you wish. It is advisable to use a moisturiser afterwards, because this mixture will dehydrate your skin very quickly.
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