How to make a bun bun for sure?

In the past, when a long hair was rolled, it was called a bun. But nowadays, there are several names for this type of hair. And among these names is the bun bun. However, you will need to have a long hair to be able to do this. In order to achieve it without obstacles, there are three steps that you must follow. The necessary equipment is the curlers, which are a kind of small pincer, a bun, a comb with a tail and pins and a hooked elastic band.

The use of rollers

To go to a party or an event, you have to look good. The first thing you take care of is your hair. Most of the time beautiful ladies or young ladies use the bun. The most common is the bun. But do you know how to make a good bun bun? First of all washing, in other words, first of all you have to wash your hair well with a suitable shampoo. Then you have to dry it to gain a little volume. And finally, do the same thing with the rollers you've used to curl your hair.

Making a ponytail

One of the steps to make a successful bun bun is to make a ponytail. When you feel your hair is dry then you will need to remove the rollers. Then you can lift your hair up into a ponytail.  You will need to use a brush to raise your hair up and straighten it. Thus, they must be at the level of the nape of the neck. And to tie it tightly with the hook elastic. The tail comb is useful to smooth the strands when making the bun. It is also important to secure the wicks so that they do not fall out when the person moves around.

Making the bun

This is the last step to achieve a bun bun. You are going to put each strand smoothed by the tail comb into the bun. It's very important to choose the right hair colour so that it matches the colour of the hair. You will need to roll it up and secure it with pins so that it holds well. You could even spray them with hairspray. The coil and this product will hold the hair securely in place. Maybe there are people who improvise but there are simple and easy methods to make a classy bun worthy of the ceremony you are going to attend.
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